Jun 26, 2019
“If you live by that example, those around you will do the same and the more people live that philosophy, the stronger your team becomes. And the stronger the team is, the stronger your business becomes.” ~Cameron Overacker
When it comes to the family business, there’s the clan you’re born into and the people...
Jun 19, 2019
“Most business owners try to grow our way out of our problems. But the result is simply a bigger monster. You can't grow out in your profit problem. You need to fix the profit first, then you grow.” -Tully Brewer
In this episode, Jason and Tully Brewer, president of Littlejohn, Inc., chat about the profit first
Jun 12, 2019
"There are three things that we ask when we make a call: what should we start doing? What should we stop doing? What should we continue doing? What should we stop doing is usually some of the best feedback." ~Gabriel Curry
Jason sits down with Gabriel Curry, president of G&S Nursery and Impact Media, to discuss...