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On Distribution Talk, we dive into the stories, struggles and solutions from interesting characters who have chosen to make a career in the distribution industry. My goal is to entertain, educate and inspire you through these brief conversations.  Thank you for visiting.  If you like what you hear, come visit us often. -Jason

Mar 31, 2021

“A distributor is very much about micro marketing; [ ] they win the battle one customer in one relationship at a time.” -Steve Deist

Distribution has a PR problem. Longtime listeners will no doubt recognize that phrase as one of Jason's favorites. The lament takes aim at the industry's lackluster attempts to attract...

Mar 24, 2021

“Pick the right system for yourself... At some point, you trust your judgment and whoever you’re working with that,’okay, this is gonna work.'” -AJ Maloney

AJ Maloney has weathered a lot of changes - as has the family business he once guided. While this former vice president of Coburn Supply in Beaumont, TX, may...

Mar 17, 2021

“One of my clients put it in a really great way. He said, ‘Get your arms around the day before it gets its arms around you.’” -Jason Bader

Want to sleep better tonight? Sure, it’s an odd opener  - until you think about all the nagging issues that keep managers (especially new ones) up at night. In this...

Mar 3, 2021

“We’re always learning. Our customers are teaching us. They are tremendous professors.” -Patricia Bible

Throughout the pandemic, restaurants have received much of the press. But what about the suppliers behind the pizza joints, Thai carry-outs, and doughnut shops? How are the distributors fairing? Well, at least...