Nov 25, 2020
“You just have to play the niche and work with what you can and take the good with the bad.” Ed Flemmons
Ed Flemmons takes poolside particulars seriously. As president of Pool Contractors Supply, Inc. headquartered in Memphis, TN, he maintains a firm grip on the company’s financials as well as its future.
Nov 18, 2020
"I've always been about time management and efficiencies and finding ways to do the right thing quickly. ~Greg
"In your career, there's 5% of your time in service to your industry. Period. End of the story. And people need to hear that. ~Mike
How do two affable guys with several successful businesses between them find...
Nov 11, 2020
"Clients are looking for meaningful information from their customers about what they expect and what they perceive and what’s going on in the world." ~Martha Brooke
Martha Brooke is back with more sage advice for survey-wary CEOs. A lot has changed in the world since I last chatted with the founder of Interaction...